SA-EC-001 - Ecuador Forest Plot Database Homeier, Juergen230 plotsBack to list
Database Details
Please refer to the ID SA-EC-001 whenever using data from this particular database
Registered since:2010-10-10
Last update:2016-01-04
Web address
Fact Sheet Download
Availability:(fact sheet)
  • free online
  • free upon request
  • according to a specific agreement
  • after blocking period
  • available with reduced precision
  • not yet available
Name of the Database:
The title of your database. Please choose a name that is meaningful and understandable in a global context. Potentially accompanied by an acronym.
(required field)
Subtitle:(fact sheet)
Optionally, you can provide an explanatory subtitle, which is not considered as part of the proper name of the database and thus is not capitalised. Subtitles are strongly recommended in cases when the proper name does not clearly indicate the scope of the database in terms of geography and and included vegetation types.
Editor of GIVD Database Entry
Editor:Juergen Homeier
(fact sheet)
A concise verbal outline which kind of data are collected (i.e. criteria for inclusion)
(fact sheet)
Status:(fact sheet)
  • emerging
  • ongoing capture
  • completed and continuing
  • finished
Storage Format/Programm:(fact sheet)Export Format:(fact sheet)
Owner:(fact sheet)
Name and contact data for the owning institution/person
Web address:
Online search:
  • no
  • yes
Online upload:
  • no
  • yes
Other contents:
Availability of the data in your database for interested persons
Does your database have an facility to search for data online?
Does your database have an facility to upload data online?
Other contents/functionalities of the online platform (other than plot data)
The database format your data are stored in. Please check only more than one formats if different data are stored in different formats.
Please don't mix it up with export formats!
The format your data can be exported to.
Please don't mix it up with the storage format!
State of the database.
planned: There are concrete plans to establish a database of the given scope, but no vegetation-plots are included so far. This category allows the announcement of projects in order to facilitate research cooperation and avoid double work.
emerging: The database exists in a preliminary version (e.g. reduced functionality or in a database system deviating from the one planned for the final database) and contains only few vegetation-plots so far.
ongoing capture: The database is fully functional and data are added continuously, but only a fraction of the data within the scope is captured so far.
completed and continuing: The database is fully functional and the vast majority of past data within the scope have already been captured; now basically only newly made vegetation-plots are added.
finished: The database is available but there are no longer activities to add further data. "