
At the 9th international Meeting on Vegetation Databases (24-26 February 2010, Hamburg, Germany), it was decided to establish a global metadatabase of vegetation data that is publicly available. Such a metadatabase shall provide an overview of existing data, allow researchers to retrieve suitable data for specific research questions, and thus enhance the awareness and application of this valuable but underestimated source of biodiversity information. The metadatabase is now managed by an elected steering committee. Members of the steering committee are:

  • Fabio Attore
  • Flavia Landucci
  • Florian Jansen
  • Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez
  • Jürgen Dengler
  • Wamelink, Wieger


Download bylaws here.

Hosting Organisations

Working Group on EcoInformatics of the International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS)

European Vegetation Survey (EVS), a working group of the IAVS

Landscape Ecology at the University of Rostock

GIVD API Endpoint Documentation

Direct Access Database: https://www.givd.info/api/givd/<Database-ID> (Example: https://www.givd.info/api/givd/00-00-001)

Download Factsheet: https://www.givd.info/api/givd/<Database-ID>/factsheet (Example: https://www.givd.info/api/givd/00-00-001/factsheet)

Databases listed in sPlot: https://www.givd.info/api/givd/byMetaDB/splot

Databases listed in EVA: https://www.givd.info/api/givd/byMetaDB/eva

Databases listed in TAVA: https://www.givd.info/api/givd/byMetaDB/tava